Esquimalt offers a variety of interesting contrasts in lifestyles with an abundance of parks, foreshore vistas and a marina. It has a strong mix of high quality residential properties, some excellent waterfront properties and a very active business community including a light industrial district. It has a well-established community spirit and all of its services were well-developed many years ago. Some of Esquimalt's most attractive residential areas are Saxe Point and Rockheights. Esquimalt has a full range of recreational facilities including a curling rink, indoor swimming pool, recreation centre and the top-ranked Gorge Vale Golf Club.
The VREB district of Esquimalt, part of the Core region, corresponds to the municipal Township of Esquimalt and is sub-divided into 6 neighbourhoods. Click a coloured area on the map for details.
Neighbourhoods in Esquimalt:
Old Esquimalt
Kinsmen Park
Gorge Vale
saxe point